Inafa' Maolek Conciliation

Inafa' Maolek Conciliation

Phone: 1-671-475-1977
Fax: 1-671-475-1974
Types of Services Offered: Counseling Services
Category: Non-Profit


Inafa’ Maolek is a conflict resolution organization dedicated to reducing violence-related litigations and fostering peace and harmony through advocacy, mediation, and education in schools, workplaces, and communities.

Inafa' Maolek is a non-profit organization on Guam dedicated to teaching and promoting conflict resolution. It was founded in 1982 by attorneys John Dierking, Charles Troutman, and Patrick Wolff in an effort to foster communication so that litigation could be avoided. After receiving training in conflict management, the small group of volunteers began mediating private and court-ordered cases.

Since then, Inafa' Maolek has branched into several areas. Aside from court and private mediations, they now conduct workshops, teach peer mediation, offer college courses, hold conferences, and numerous other activities that advance our mission of peace.

Trained mediators assist in troubled marriages and family conflicts, small claims disputes, work-related conflicts, and victim-offender mediation involving delinquent and criminal behavior.  The organization also recognizes the value of training island youth in peacemaking by providing peer mediation training to prevent violence on campuses.

Note: Data for this listing was compiled from online sources by UOG social work students enrolled in SW110 Introduction to Community Services on Guam classes (Sections 1 and 2) in the spring semester of 2017.

**Updated as of 09/02/2020**

Services Offered:

·       Mediation
Inafa' Maolek mediates an array of disputes including, but not limited to, child custody & visitation, divorce, guardianship, family disputes, workplaces disputes, landlord/tenant disputes, neighbor/property disputes, civil disputes, and more.
·       Restorative Justice
Restorative justice (RJ) is a process to involve, to the furthest extent possible, those who have a stake in a specific offense and to collectively identify and address harms, needs, and obligations, in order to heal and put things as right as possible. The Inafa' Maolek Restorative Justice program began in 1994 with the Superior Court of Guam. 

·       Youth Peer Mediation
Peer mediation is students helping other students to solve a problem. Trained student mediators help fellow students resolve minor conflicts by guiding them through effective communication. The results are usually positive, long-lasting, and relieve the bitter feelings that accompany conflict, unlike many of the traditional methods used in schools. There is hope that through their efforts, students learn: the responsibilities of a peer mediator, underlying causes of conflict, guidelines for constructive conflict resolution, the elements of a fair solution, and effective communication skills.

297 West O'Brien Drive Suite 102, Hagatna, GUAM, GUAM

PO BOX 3627, Hagatna, GUAM



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

09:00 AM

04:00 PM


Children, Teens, Adults, Seniors

conciliation, counseling services, mediation, education & training, youth, peer mediation, campus violence prevention

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