Yona Mayor's Office

Yona Mayor's Office

Phone: 1-671-789-4798, 1-671-789-1525, 1-671-789-1526, 1-671-789-1524 (Gym)
Fax: 1-671-789-1821
Email: yonamayor2020@gmail.com
Website: www.mcoguam.org
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral
Category: Government Local

The village derives its name from the word "iyo-'a. Iyo-a" means the possession of something be it material things, personal items, or spiritual ownership. Yona is located on the southeastern side of the island and is situated on a plateau overlooking the Pacific Ocean and is part of the Haya (Southern) District. Yona is well known to islanders because of Menenggon, the infamous concentration camp where the Japanese imprisoned the Chamorros before the American invasion. This village follows the village of Sinajaa where development in the form of Urban Renewal created what is Yona today.

**Updated of 08/08/2022**

The Yona Mayor's office can provide services such as but not limited to:

- Mayors Verifications for:

  • federal services
  • federal assistance programs
  • ID cards
  • passports
  • license renewals
  • GHURA Housing.
- Court Village Postings
- Informational Village Postings
- Residential Information
- Business Information

**Updated as of 08/08/2022**

Bill Quegna


265 Sister Eucharita Drive, Yona, GUAM, GUAM

1-671-789-4798, 1-671-789-1525, 1-671-789-1526, 1-671-789-1524 (Gym)


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

08:00 AM

05:00 PM

Children, Teens, Adults, Seniors

Yona, village, mayor's office, mayor, information & referral, government local

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