Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence

Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence

Phone: 1-301-429-3601
Types of Services Offered: Domestic Violence Services, Information & Referral, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

MISSION: The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV) is the state domestic violence coalition that brings together victim service providers, allied professionals, and concerned individuals for the common purpose of reducing intimate partner and family violence and its harmful effects on our citizens. The Network accomplishes this goal by providing education, training, resources, and advocacy to advance victim safety and abuser accountability.

VISION: One day Maryland will be a state where families and relationships thrive on mutual trust and respect and where there is no place for violence.

Updated 08/30/2022

4601 Presidents Drive, Ste. 370, Lanham, MD, Maryland, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US


domestic violence, abuse, human trafficking, technical assistance

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