New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence

New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Phone: 1-505-246-9240
Fax: 1-505-246-9240
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

Established in 1979 and incorporated on May 15, 1981, New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NMCADV) has been working to achieve a coordinated local, regional, and statewide response to domestic violence. The Coalition members, affiliates, and supporters are committed to ending domestic violence in New Mexico.

The Coalition serves as a clearinghouse for information and referrals. We collaborate with agencies and advocates in the areas of program development, public policy, education and funding proposals.

The New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence aspires to a world free of violence and oppression.

The New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence provides statewide leadership as a voice for victims and survivors of domestic violence and the programs that serve them. We advocate for positive social change, provide training, build alliances, secure resources and develop public policy to eliminate domestic violence.

Updated 12/06/2022

2340 Alamo Avenue SE, Suite 120, Albuquerque, New Mexico, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US



domestic violence, abuse, information and referral, education and training, New Mexico

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