Department of Corrections (DEPCOR)

Department of Corrections (DEPCOR)

Phone: 1-671-735-5170 (Director's Office), 1-671-734-3981 (Adult Correctional Facilities), 1-671-734-4566/735-0328 (Visitor Processing Center), 1-671-475-0180 (Hagatna Visitor Processing)
Types of Services Offered: Counseling Services, Housing Services, Substance Abuse Services, Support Services
Category: Government Local

The mission of the Guam Department of Corrections (DEPCOR) is to protect the public from the destructive action of law offenders through control and rehabilitation. It shall provide staff services for the judiciary, the Parole Board, probation officers, and interested agencies of the Executive Branch.

**Updated as of 7/20/2022*

#1 Mashburn Lane, Mangilao, GUAM, GUAM

1-671-735-5170 (Director's Office), 1-671-734-3981 (Adult Correctional Facilities), 1-671-734-4566/735-0328 (Visitor Processing Center), 1-671-475-0180 (Hagatna Visitor Processing)


housing services, substance abuse services, substance abuse, support services, law enforcement, agency

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