Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Phone: 1-515-244-7424
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral, Sexual Assault Services, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

The Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault (IowaCASA) is a statewide organization. Our mission is to end sexual violence and improve support available to survivors of sexual assault. We advocate on behalf of survivors of survivors and victim advocates.

IowaCASA provides a bridge between advocates at sexual assault service programs, statewide policy makers, and federal responses to sexual violence and violence against women. Advocates are trained professionals whose jobs are to support sexual assault survivors.

**Updated 8/24/2022**

3030 Merle Hay Rd , Des Moines, IA , Iowa, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

08:00 AM

05:00 PM

Iowa, coalition, sexual assault, sexual violence, sexual abuse, information & referral, sexual assault services, education & training, non-profit

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