West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information & Services

West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information & Services

Phone: 1-304-366-9500, 1-304-622-4441
Email: wvfris@frontier.com
Website: www.fris.org
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral, Sexual Assault Services, Support Services
Category: Non-Profit

The West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (FRIS) is West Virginia's state sexual assault coalition. Established in 1982 and comprised of the state's nine rape crisis centers, FRIS works with all allied professionals to strengthen services and develop intervention and prevention programs to address sexual violence, stalking, and dating violence.

Our vision is to eliminate sexual violence and stalking and to alleviate the suffering of those who have been victimized.

Our mission is to promote the compassionate and just treatment of survivors and their loved ones; foster collaborative relationships; and create attitudinal and behavioral changes around sexual violence and stalking through education, victim services, and social change.

**Updated as of 08/30/2022**



P.O. Box 2963 Huntington, WV, 25728

1-304-366-9500, 1-304-622-4441

West Virginia, foundation, rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual violence, rape information, rape information & services, information & referral, sexual assault services, non-profit

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