Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Phone: 1-601-948-0555, 1-888-987-9011 (Toll Free)
Fax: 1-601-948-0525
Website: www.mscasa.org/
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral, Sexual Assault Services, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

The mission of the MS Coalition Against Sexual Assault is to provide training and technical assistance that builds upon strong community partnerships with the goals of strengthening services for victims of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking and promoting comprehensive prevention strategies around the state.

To that end, the MS Coalition Against Sexual Assault provides all-inclusive, responsive, and well-informed training and technical assistance to member programs, criminal justice professionals, healthcare providers, colleges and universities and local communities to ensure that survivor-centered responses are holistic, while holding offenders accountable.

The vision of the MS Coalition Against Sexual Assault is to enhance services to victims of violence, educate the community, and provide resources, referrals, and outreach to those affected by sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.

Updated 08/27/2020

510 George Street, Suite 300, Jackson, Mississippi, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US

P.O. BOX 4172, Jackson, Mississippi, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US

1-601-948-0555, 1-888-987-9011 (Toll Free)


sexual assault, rape prevention, campus safety, sexual violence, abuse

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