Catholic Social Service - Karidat Program

Catholic Social Service - Karidat Program

Phone: 1-671-635-1407
Fax: 1-671-635-1444
Types of Services Offered: Disability Services, Housing Services, Support Services
Category: Non-Profit

The Karidat Program offers twenty-four (24) hour residential placement and support services program for adults with significant disabilities. The program is funded by Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center. Karidat is the Chamorro word for Charity or Alms.


The Karidat Program provides twenty-four (24) hour residential placement and support services for eligible adults with physical, cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities. The program aims to help these individuals achieve their greatest potential, improve their quality of life and help them to avail of socio-economic opportunities in their pursuit to independent living and/or reunification with their family. The Karidat Program avidly advocates for services that respond to the dignity and well being of the consumer, and his or her family or representative. The program assumes a holistic approach in the development of each consumer care plan, which considers the financial, behavioral, spiritual, cultural, and crisis intervention aspects of each consumer.

**Updated as of 07/13/2020**

Services provided:
  • Twenty-four (24) hour residential placement and support services for adults 18 years and older who have significant disabilities.
  • Case Management, supportive counseling, behavior modification, advocacy, teaching of independent living skills, services or activities promoting self esteem.
  • Transportation for medical, educational and other consumer needs and appointments.
  • Social, recreational and vocational activities.​
  • Mobility training, socialization skills training, community living and independent living skills training.
  • Information and referral services.
  • Supportive services to assist consumers obtain services such as financial and medical assistance as well as public assistance benefits.
The Karidat group homes are located in the village community and serve as a catalyst for a surrogate familial environment. Karidat is a Level 1 program, servicing consumers with mild to severe disabilities requiring close supervision and varying degrees of assistance with regard to basic and instrumental activities of daily living.
How to apply:

Placement at Karidat is by referral only from the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center. 


As referrals are received, the Karidat Program collaborates as necessary with the DMHSA case worker and other professionals as a treatment team that formulates the Individual Treatment Plan (ITP), as well as other plans required to meet the overall needs of the consumer.

To inquire about services, contact Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center at 671-647-5411

**Updated as of 07/13/2020**

Teressa Cruz Blas, Program Manager



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

24 - hours

24 - hours

Adults, Seniors

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