Agafa Gumas Catholic Church - Santa Bernadita

Agafa Gumas Catholic Church - Santa Bernadita

Phone: 1-671-633-8044
Types of Services Offered: Faith-Based Services
Category: Faith-Based

**Updated as of 7/20/2022*

Rectory Office Hours 
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 
9am – 12pm & 2pm – 4pm 
Saturday: 8am – 12pm 
Closed Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Holidays 

Weekday Mass Schedule: 
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 6:00pm   

Sunday Mass Schedule: 
Saturday Vigil 5:30pm 
Sunday 6am, 7:30am, 9:30am  
& 11:30am (Pohnpeian Mass). 

30 minutes before each daily mass or you may call to schedule an appointment 

**Updated as of 7/20/2022*

130 Chalan Santa Bernadita, Yigo, Guam 96929, GUAM, GUAM

130 Chalan Santa Bernadita, Yigo, Guam 96929, GUAM, GUAM


GovGuam Holidays and Holy Days of Obligation

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

09:00 AM

04:00 PM

Days of the Week:  Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 4pm 
Saturday 9am - 12pm
Close Time:  Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

GovGuam Holidays and Holy Days of Obligation

Sunday 11:30 am - Pohnpeian Mass

Infants, Children, Teens, Adults, Seniors

Agafa Gumas, Catholic, Church, Archdiocese of Agana, archdiocese

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