Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum

Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum

Phone: 1-415-954-9988
Fax: 1-510-419-0263
Types of Services Offered: Medical & Health Services, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

APIAHF influences policy, mobilizes communities, and strengthens programs and organizations to improve the health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.

Headquarters: Oakland, CA
Policy Office: Washington DC
Established 1986
Also Known As: “Health Forum”

APIAHF is the oldest and largest health advocacy organization working with AA and NHPI communities across the nation, in the US Territories, and with the US‐affiliated Pacific jurisdictions. 

Vision Statement
APIAHF envisions a world where all people share responsibility and take action to ensure healthy and vibrant communities for current and future generations.

RESPECT because we affirm the identity, rights and dignity of all people.
FAIRNESS in how people are treated by others and by institutions, including who participates in decision making processes.
EQUITY in power, opportunities, and resources to address obstacles, hindering vulnerable communities and groups from living their healthiest lives.

Other Social Media/Website Accounts:

Updated as of 9/15/2022

By providing policy and political analysis, research and data support, and effective communications strategies, APIAHF supports local AA and NHPI communities to have an influence on local, state, and national policy. By providing grants, training, technical assistance, and consulting, APIAHF is a source of key resources so that communities can mobilize and grow stronger in their coalitions and organizational structures.

As a health justice non-profit organization, APIAHF is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of more than 20 million AAs and NHPIs living in the United States and its jurisdictions. We believe that all persons have the right to be healthy, the right to live in a thriving community, and the right to quality, affordable, and accessible health care.

Influencing and Shaping Policies that Impact AA and NHPI Communities
APIAHF works with partners from local communities to influence local, state and federal-level public policy. Our presence and partnerships in Washington, DC allow us to shape federal policies that impact AA and NHPI communities across the nation by expanding access, improving quality and advancing health equity.

Mobilizing Communities Across the Nation for Change
APIAHF engages community leaders across the country, including community public health organizations and social justice advocates, on national and state issues to address health challenges in their backyard, rally against harmful policies, organize around healthy practices, and call on policymakers to improve the health of our communities.

Strengthening Programs and Organizations
APIAHF strengthens local and regional community organizations by providing them with the tools, skills, training, technical assistance, and organizational capacity building needed to empower them to be stronger advocates in their communities.

Updated as of 9/15/2022

HEADQUARTERS: One Kaiser Plaza Suite 850, Oakland, California, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US



Policy Office
1629 K Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202.466.7772
Fax: 202.296.0610

Teens, Adults

health care equity, health care quality

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