Department of Public Health and Social Services - Division of Senior Citizens - Bureau of Program Administration and Development

Department of Public Health and Social Services - Division of Senior Citizens - Bureau of Program Administration and Development

Phone: 1 -671-735-7415
Fax: 1-671-735-7416
Types of Services Offered: Support Services
Category: Government Local


In accordance with the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended, the Guam State Office on Aging (SOA) implements and coordinates the provision of services to older individuals age 60 years of age and older. In fulfilling its assigned mandate, the BPAD:

  1. Identifies and uses all possible resources towards promoting, maintaining, and protecting the total well-being of older individuals including their dignity, values, and cultures;
  2. Advocates to ensure that older individuals enjoy their well-deserved rights and benefits;
  3. Ensures that each and every older individual who is capable of self-care with the appropriate supportive services will be afforded the maximum independence and dignity in a home environment;
  4. Strives to remove individual and social barriers to economic and personal independence;
  5. Ensures that a continuum of care for the vulnerable older individual is provided; and
  6. Requires quality services to be provided for senior citizens' programs and activities.
To ensure quality services, BPAD conducts monitoring, evaluating, assessing, and providing technical assistance to various organizations contracted to provide these services, as practicable. BPAD staffs draft, negotiate and ensure the contractual compliance of 10 programs.

**Updated as of 08/31/2020**

Services Offered:

Contracted Programs

Title III-B Supportive Services include Adult Day Care, Case Management Services, In-Home Services, Legal Assistance Services, Senior Center Operations, and Transportation Services. These services comprise of a formal support system for older individuals to assist them in maintaining their independence, dignity and quality of life. Additionally, these services protect their fundamental rights and distinct privileges as older individuals residing on Guam.

BPAD Administered Programs

Programs administered by the Bureau of Program Administration and Development.



1 -671-735-7415


(Except Government of Guam Holidays)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

08:00 AM

05:00 PM

(Except Government of Guam Holidays)


Public Health, Senior Citizens, elderly, support services

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