New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc.

New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc.

Phone: 1-505-883-8020 (phone), 1-888-883-8020 (toll-free), 1-505-883-8020 (Donation via Phone)
Fax: 1-505-883-7530
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral, Sexual Assault Services, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

In 1978, the New Mexico legislature created the Sexual Crimes Prosecution and Treatment Act. This law mandates that the state provide services to professionals (medical, mental health, law enforcement, social services) to assist them in offering appropriate and effective services to victims of sexual assault. This law outlines the necessity of providing ongoing training and mandates the collection of sexual assault evidence in order to provide victims with the best possible prosecution of their cases. Additionally, the law provides for payment of all victims’ medical exams following an assault or the discovery of abuse.

The New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (NMCSAP), a private, non-profit organization, was created and continues to exist to fulfill the requirements of this statute.

Mission Statement

To provide educational activities to improve the awareness and understanding about the problem of sexual assault.

Our Vision

New Mexico communities believe and support survivors, hold perpetrators accountable, and take action to end sexual violence.

Updated 08/24/2022

3909 Juan Tabo NE Suite 6, Albuquerque, New Mexico, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US

1-505-883-8020 (phone), 1-888-883-8020 (toll-free), 1-505-883-8020 (Donation via Phone)


New Mexico, Coalition, Sexual Assault

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