Guam Homeless Coalition

Guam Homeless Coalition

Providing HOPE to Our Neighbors in Need

Types of Services Offered: 24-Hour Crisis Intervention Hotlines, Child Support & Advocacy, Counseling Services, Disability Services, Domestic Violence Services, Housing Services, Information & Referral, Legal Advocacy & Resources, Campus Resources, Medical & Health Services, Sexual Assault Services, Transportation Services, Education & Training, Substance Abuse Services, Volunteer Services, Support Services, Employment Services, Public Assistance Services, Faith-Based Services, Legal Services
Category: Non-Profit

We are a group of government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the private sector that come together for the purpose of responding to the needs of homeless youth, families, and single adults. We empower individuals and families who are homeless and/ or at risk of homelessness to achieve self-sufficiency, by providing support through awareness, education, and advocacy.

We offer a variety of programs to connect homeless persons to housing, to prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless, and to sustain and maintain housing. Some programs include food pantry, emergency disaster food delivery, referrals to mainstream services such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamp), support services for youth experiencing homelessness to transition successfully into adulthood, and address the safety needs of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking survivors.

Samantha Taitano

Robert San Agustin

Infants, children, teens, adults, seniors

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