Erica’s House

Erica’s House

Phone: 1-671-642-4020
Fax: 1-671-642-4021
Types of Services Offered: Child Support & Advocacy, Information & Referral, Legal Advocacy & Resources, Education & Training, Support Services
Category: Non-Profit

The mission of Erica’s House is to provide a safe and fair venue; a center of hope, support, prevention and family visitation services necessary to create positive change in the lives of all families affected by violence and contribute to the advancement and awareness of these issues in our island community.

Erica's House is a joint project of Soroptomist International of the Marianas and the Soroptomist International of Guam. 

**Updated as of 08/08/2022**

Erica’s House is a support service for parents and children in need of visitation and exchange services:

Supervised exchange and on-site visitation services; partially supervised or directly supervised

1. A safe place to pick-up and drop-off children for exchange between parents/guardians;
2. On-site partially-supervised visitation for families with periodic checks made by staff;
3. On-site supervised visitation for families with a visitation monitor present at all times;
4. Parenting Classes offered once a week for six weeks; and
5. Informational Reports generated upon request. 
There are no fees for the services provided. Erica’s House services can be used by obtaining a Court Order or through Erica’s House Voluntary Referral Program (VRP). Under the VRP, the custodial and non-custodial parents must agree to use Erica’s House, must agree to the type of service, agree to a schedule and agree to who will participate.

**Updated as of 08/08/2022**

122 Torre Lane, MTM, GUAM, GUAM

PO Box 21263, Barrigada, GUAM



Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Wednesday  10:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday      11:00am - 6:00pm
Friday            11:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday        8:00am - 5:00pm
Sun                10:00am - 6:00pm


family visitation, child support, child advocacy, support services, erica's house

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