Asan - Maina Mayor's Office

Asan - Maina Mayor's Office

Phone: 1-671-472-6581, 1-671-479-2726
Fax: 1-671- 472-6446
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral
Category: Government Local

Asan (Hassan) and Maina are located in the southern-central side of the island. This area is part of the Luchan (Western) District. This village derives its name from the word "hassan". "Hassan" means scarce or rare. The word "ma'ina" refers to the other village that makes up this district together with Asan. Hunters hunted by the light of a torch and also saw what they caught by the light of the same torch. Another meaning of the word "ma'ina" deals with an infant who between the times of his birth to his baptism, is taken by his mother to a church mass before sunrise; this ritual considered the presentation of the child to the temple or church.

The Asan-Maina Mayor's office can provide services such as but not limited to:
Mayors Verifications for: federal services, federal assistance programs, ID cards, passports, license renewals, and for GHURA Housing, Court Village Postings, Informational Village Postings, Residential Information, Business Information
transfer of residency.

Due to COVID-19 you may call, email, or fax to recieve more information about obtaining your mayor's verification.

**Updated as of 8/27/2020**


1-671-472-6581, 1-671-479-2726

1-671- 472-6446

Children, Teens, Adults, Seniors

village, Asan, Maina, Mayor's Office, Mayor

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