New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence

New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence

Phone: 1-609-584-8107, 1-800-572-7233 (hotline)
Fax: 1-609-584-9750
Types of Services Offered: Domestic Violence Services, Information & Referral, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

The New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence is a statewide association that provides leadership, support and resources on the prevention of domestic violence in New Jersey through advocacy, education and training, technical assistance and community awareness.

The organization was formed in 1978 as the New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women to bring the voices of survivors, advocates, and local domestic violence agencies to raise awareness about domestic violence in their communities.

Today, NJCEDV includes 30 member programs, including 21 lead domestic violence agencies that provide emergency housing and crisis intervention support in all of the state’s 21 counties.

Updated 08/30/2022

1670 Whitehorse-Hamilton Square Road, Trenton, New Jersey, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US

1-609-584-8107, 1-800-572-7233 (hotline)


domestic violence, battered women, battered children, New Jersey

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