Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault: Freedom from sexual violence.

Phone: 1-303-839-9999
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral, Sexual Assault Services, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

History & Purpose

The Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) was founded in 1984 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit to be the collective voice of rape crisis advocates across the state of Colorado. Today, our membership includes over 100 sexual assault survivors, victim advocates, rape crisis centers, dual domestic violence and sexual assault programs, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, public health agencies, college and university campuses, medical professionals, offender treatment programs, public officials, as well as other organizations and concerned individuals throughout Colorado. As a statewide coalition, CCASA supports our members, partners, and the broader community through technical assistance, training, information and referrals, educational materials, statewide systems change, and public policy education and advocacy.


CCASA provides leadership, advocacy, and support to address and prevent sexual violence.


Colorado communities promote safety, justice, and healing for survivors and foster healthy, respectful, consensual interactions.



  • Grapple with the complexities of societal power and privilege
  • Dismantle systems of oppression to create a more just and equitable society
  • Create inclusive and anti-oppressive policy and practices
  • Intentionally build an organization that reflects multiple identities and lived experiences within board, staff, members, partners, and donors

Social Change

  • Address root causes of sexual violence
  • Work to create a culture of consent and safety
  • Amplify the voices and work of individuals and communities that have been historically excluded from the anti-sexual violence movement


  • Elevate survivor voices and needs
  • Promote survivor-centered policies and practices
  • Recognize that “justice” has a unique meaning for each survivor of sexual violence


  • Recognize that sexual violence is never the fault of survivors
  • Hold offenders accountable
  • Be accountable to members and the community by being dependable, transparent, ethical, and acting with integrity


  • Seek out and engage diverse community and stakeholder perspectives
  • Support peer learning and collaboration among member agencies
  • Value and actively participate in intersectional social justice movements


  • Cultivate an organizational environment that is genuine, safe, welcoming, and values each person’s contributions
  • Treat everyone with respect, consideration, sensitivity, and dignity by honoring all identities and lived experiences
  • Foster the ability to recognize and address personal biases proactively
  • Promote open and honest communication
  • Challenge opposing views respectfully

Brie Franklin

1330 Fox Street, Suite 2 PO Box 40350 , Denver , Colorado, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US

PO Box 40350 , Denver , Colorado, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US


Children, Teens, Adults

sexual abuse, sexual violence, abuse, assault, violence

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