New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault

New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Phone: 1-518-482-4222
Types of Services Offered: 24-Hour Crisis Intervention Hotlines, Sexual Assault Services, Education & Training, Support Services
Category: Non-Profit


What is NYSCASA? Don’t be fooled by the name. NYSCASA is a non-governmental organization. NYSCASA is a private, non-profit coalition of community-based rape crisis programs located throughout New York State.

How long has NYSCASA been around? In 1987, rape crisis advocates formed the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault as a mutual support group. The organization’s purpose rapidly evolved from basic networking to include consultation, resource development, and policy advocacy for the hundreds of rape crisis programs, sister agencies, and collaborators statewide that work with victims/survivors of sexual violence and their families.

What is NYSCASA’s mission? NYSCASA’s mission is to end all forms of sexual violence and exploitation, and to address the impacts of sexual assault. Check Out NYSCASA’s Values

Why is NYSCASA needed? Our community-based rape crisis programs deliver sexual assault crisis intervention and prevention services. A lot of other professionals also play a role in responding to sexual assault victims/survivors, preventing sexual violence, and holding perpetrators accountable. We work to promote victim services and prevention efforts that are high quality, comprehensive, coordinated, culturally appropriate, and widely accessible.

What does NYSCASA do? NYSCASA strengthens responsive services for all sexual assault victims/survivors and works to increase effective sexual violence prevention efforts. 

NYSCASA accomplishes this by: advocating for/against policies and practices; providing training, consultation, and resources; supporting rape crisis programs with some pass-through funding; and collaborating with a wide variety of colleagues, professionals, and stakeholders. Learn More about NYSCASA Projects.

Updated 08/30/2022

28 Essex Street, Albany, New York, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US


sexual assault, support services, information and referral

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